Celebrating the Horror
Announcing the 2024 Week of Horror Event
The time has come once again.
For the past couple of years, investigators all over the world have celebrated the Arkham Horror Files universe during the Week of Horror event. This October, the event returns, with fresh, wonderful horrors in store!
From October 24th through October 31st, Fantasy Flight Games will feature several thrilling ways to engage with the world of Arkham Horror, from thematic activities to in-game challenges.
Without further ado, let’s take a look at what’s coming up for this year’s Week of Horror!
Horror for Hours (Arkham Horror: The Card Game Eight Hour Livestream)
To kick things off, on October 24th, we’ll have an Arkham Horror: The Card Game livestream. This won’t be just any livestream, though; the game turns eight years old this year, so what better way to showcase it than with an eight-hour stream! Join various members of FFG as they take on different scenarios from The Dream-Eaters campaign, chat about the game, and maybe even show off a new card or two.
Horrifying Challenges (Designer Challenges)
Starting on October 25th, keep an eye out on your favorite Arkham Horror: The Card Game content creators’ channels for some exciting new challenges from the game’s design team! These devious challenges can test the mettle of even the most seasoned Arkham veterans. Let’s see if these “experts” have what it takes!
Horror for Dinner (Recipes of Arkham)
As is now tradition for our Week of Horror festivities, on October 26th, we’ve got some thematic foods to put on the table with some new recipes for you to enjoy. While previous years’ recipes were themed around the sorts of foods you’d find in Velma’s Diner, this year’s dishes are a bit more…monstrous. Try them out, if you dare!
Horror in Preview (Card Spoiler)
Fans of Arkham Horror: The Card Game are eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Drowned City pair of expansions. On October 27th, we will show off a preview for an exciting new player card from the Investigator Expansion. Be sure to tune in and start theorycrafting when the spoiler drops!
Horror in the Background (Digital Assets)
The Arkham Horror Files games are known for their spectacular artwork, and on October 28th, we will share some digital assets that let you use that artwork for your devices! Between digital files for print-your-own playmats and high-resolution wallpapers for your phone and/or desktop, you’ll be able to rock some stunning art from The Drowned City as we work our way to the expansions' release.
Horror Across Media (Partner Showcase Day)
Then, on October 29th, we will host a special “partner showcase day” for the Arkham Horror Files universe. Join us as we feature some Arkham Horror-themed products from various sister studios at Asmodee, including Edge’s recent tabletop RPG, new stories from Aconyte Books, and more!
Horror in Parallel (New Parallel Investigator)
On October 30th, just like last year, we will unveil a new parallel investigator and publish their cards on our website for print-and-play. Any guesses on who it could be? You’ll just have to wait and see!
Horror at Sea (Unfathomable: From the Abyss Gameplay Livestream)
Finally, to close off the Week of Horror festivities, we will have another livestream on October 31st. This time, the star of the show is Unfathomable, which saw the release of its expansion, From the Abyss, back in June. The expansion adds all sorts of twists and turns to the game’s usual formula, as various FFG staff members will soon find out. Tune in to see whether the SS Atlantica can safely make it to Boston, or whether its voyage is doomed to be swallowed by the sea!
Horror into the Horizon
Between the Week of Horror and Arkham Nights, October is always an exciting month to be an Arkham Horror fan. We’ve got lots more terrifying goodies lurking in the future, but for now, we hope you enjoy what this year’s festivities have to offer!
Written by Peter Schumacher