Fantasy Flight Media Center
Are you a hobby games retailer looking for an attractive and convenient way to promote your products? The Fantasy Flight Media Center is a touchscreen terminal designed to be placed directly on your retail shelves. This powerful, proven, interactive sales tool constantly delivers media-rich content directly to your store in order to help you promote and sell FFG products. Using WiFi technology, this HD interactive device showcases FFG’s spectacular game trailers, product news, video tutorials, and more.
The FFMC is a proven sales device which functions almost like an employee expert on FFG’s products. It also acts as a convenient resource about FFG games for your employees. Many FFMC retailers have noted an average sales increase of 35% since setting up the FFMC in their stores, and some stores have cited higher increases.
The attractive, custom-built chassis of the FFMC is home to an Apple iPad, with a high-definition touch screen. Along with mechanisms to keep itself locked, the FFMC can be bolted to your retail shelf for extra security. The Media Center is 12” x 12”, the size of an Arkham Horror box, and will fit perfectly on a retail shelf or amidst a product display.
New Features
The most recent software update to the FFMC has provided a wealth of new features, most notably, the LCG Card Library, and the Card Sleeve Database!
With the Card Library for FFG’s Living Card Games, your staff and customers will be able to view the cards contained in every core set and expansion pack with a simple touch on the Media Center screen. The LCG Card Library will be consistently updated with each release, so your customers will always be able to find the cards they need to build their perfect deck.
The Card Sleeve Database is a helpful guide which allows your customers to determine the size and quantity of card sleeves they’ll need to protect their games! With our easy to use color-coded system, the card sleeve database delivers results for every FFG title, as well as many games from other publishers. Your customers will never have to wonder which size sleeves to buy again!
What Retailers Are Saying about FFMC
Over 300 retailers worldwide are using the FFMC to sell more games.
“People go out of their way to tell us they saw games on the FFMC because of how cool and innovative it is.” -Scott, Double Midnight Comics
“We keep our Fantasy Flight games surrounding our Media Center. There is nothing cooler than seeing a customer walk into the store and see a video playing about a new game they know nothing about. This cool device provides all sorts of advantages not offered by any other game company. It is a major leap forward in the development of game marketing. We even use it to train new employees on FFG titles.” -Alexander, Chicagoland Games: Dice Dojo
“We have created a Fantasy Flight section, which helps gamers find exactly what they are looking for. We’ve had several customers look at a demo on the FFMC and want to buy the game based on that.” -Heath, Cape Fear Games
“We were one of the first stores in the country to have the Fantasy Flight Media Center. It certainly receives a lot of attention! There have been many customers that have picked up a new game because they saw it being described on the Media Center. Also, when it shows trailers for games coming out soon it really helps buildexcitement for new releases. The Fantasy Flight Media Center has been a great addition to our store.” Pat, Gnome Games
“The Fantasy Flight Media Center does a great job in matching customers with the game that suits them best.” Gary, Black Diamond Games
“It has increased our board game sales monumentally.” -Marc, Galactic Force