Pine and Cherry Blossom
Read a New Short Story Set in the World of Legend of the Five Rings
Find her—for the sake of the Empire.
These are the orders Togashi Mitsu has been following for four years. Searching for the peasant Senzai at the behest of the Dragon Clan Champion Togashi Yokuni, Mitsu has finally been able to corner his prey. But on the way back to the High House of Light, what new challenges await Mitsu and his captive quarry?
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present “Pine and Cherry Blossom” by Marie Brennan, a new short story set in the world of Legend of the Five Rings!
Pine and Cherry Blossom
“Pine and Cherry Blossom” is a direct sequel to The Eternal Knot novella and can be downloaded here (0.5 MB)! After years of searching, Togashi Mitsu has found his prey, but what fate awaits this strange pair?
Keep tuning into the Fantasy Flight Games website for even more Legend of the Five Rings fiction as the Dominion cycle for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game begins to take shape.
Be sure to show your support of the Dragon Clan with the Seekers of Wisdom Clan Pack (L5C25) for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, available now for pre-order from your local retailer or our website!