12 May 2017 | Runewars Miniatures

The Grotesque Undead

Preview Two Unit Expansions for Runewars Miniatures Game


From the border of the Daqan Lords’ baronies, you can look out upon the ceaseless motion of the Mistlands. The movement of the mists can seem hypnotic—unpredictable, ephemeral, and eternal. But the guardsmen of the border would do well to stay vigilant. The vanguard of Waiqar’s undead legions has already crossed into Terrinoth, and reinforcements are on their way.

Today, we’ll take a closer look at two of the Unit Expansions arriving soon to Runewars Miniatures Game: the Reanimates Unit Expansion and the Carrion Lancers Unit Expansion!

The Ranks of the Dead

Striding inexorably out of the vile mists that shroud the Thirteenth Barony, Reanimates form the bulk of the dreaded host of Waiqar the Undying. Their wargear is ancient and caked with rust, but they wield it with arms that never tire. These skeletal soldiers fight relentlessly against any who oppose their master’s will, delivering a merciless and inevitable doom. Even when cut down and broken, Reanimates will pull themselves to their feet again and again, driven by Waiqar’s unquenchable ambition.

Centuries beyond the confrontation between Waiqar and Timmorran on the Night of Betrayal, the original fallen warriors that compose the Deathborn Legion now have their own hosts to command. Ardus Ix’Erebus leads the Host of Crows, while Calleum Pahaan marches ahead of the Breathless Legion. Some of the vampires of Bilehall have mastered the necromantic arts to raise their own personal armies, including the Sanguine Coterie. Even the ancient revenant, Lord Farrenghast, has a contingent of undead infantry under his command.

You’ve had the chance to battle with a block of Reanimates in your army since the release of the Runewars Miniatures Game Core Set, but the Reanimates Unit Expansion is the perfect opportunity to increase your forces. With the potential to field twelve-tray units of Reanimates in your army, the eight additional Reanimates figures in this expansion are a key part of growing your army base.

It’s also immediately apparent after any game of Runewars Miniatures Game that your Reanimates form the backbone of Waiqar’s infantry. Though their movement options on the dial are relatively limited, you can equip any unit of Reanimates with Trumpets, which dramatically increases their speed and maneuverability for just two points.

Reanimates are also well known for returning from beyond the grave. Even when struck down, these undead warriors will arise again and again, regenerating according to the flow of natural magic on the battlefield. Larger units of Reanimates can also take advantage of the Lingering Dead upgrade. Under normal circumstances, if your Reanimates take heavy losses, you’ll be forced to remove trays of figures, losing any chance for your Reanimates to return to those trays with their Regenerate ability. Lingering Dead, however, means that you won’t remove those trays until the end of the End Phase, giving you a chance to raise more dead and crush your foes beneath the weight of countless bodies.

Because the empty tray is not immediately removed, Lingering Dead allows your Reanimates to use their Regenerate ability to regain three figures from their unit!

Writhing Worms

Few in the realm of Terrinoth had seen them before Waiqar’s onslaught, but carrion worms have been often spotted following Waiqar’s armies, feeding on the scraps and offal cast off by the fleshwrights who tend his legions. Carrion worms are surprisingly swift for their size and expel gouts of digestive ichor before setting upon their prey with shearing mandibles. Ridden by spear-wielding Reanimates, the carrion worm’s bile melts armor and flesh alike, allowing their riders to strike mortal blows against even the best-defended targets.

Carrion grubs may be small, but their digestive acid is no less corrosive. Waiqar’s cruelest carrion worm masters discovered that they could feed the grubs nearly any substance, be it stone or metal or wood. As they grew, the grubs took on some of the properties of whatever they were fed. A diet consisting of chum and flesh would give the creatures a sickly, blood-colored cast, while those worms that feasted on bone would have a sallow, calcified carapace. Some of Waiqar’s most prized lieutenants ride atop carrion worms force-fed copper or even obsidian. Of course, most carrion worms have ingested several unlucky Reanimate handlers, as well.

As high-impact siege units, Carrion Lancers are among the deadliest troops in Waiqar’s battalions. In the Carrion Lancers Unit Expansion, you'll find two additional Carrion Lancer figures for your legions—one sculpt identical to the Core Set version, and one entirely new sculpt, showing the Carrion Lancer rearing up and ready to strike.

Whether you’re using a single Carrion Lancer to harry your opponent’s flank, or sending as many as six smashing straight into your opponents, you’ll be able to use the disgusting bile that the carrion worms vomit in order to gain an advantage. First, Carrion Lancers can use their Skill action to spew acid at an unengaged unit within range one to five and give that unit a blight token. Not only can this blight token inhibit that unit in battle, your Carrion Lancers can spend surges to deal mortal wounds if their target is blighted! When you’re facing off against high-defense units such as the Rune Golems, cutting straight through their defenses can be crucial to victory.

And of course, you also have the option to embed a Carrion Lancer into an infantry unit as an additional figure with the upgrade cards included in this expansion. Front Line Carrion Lancer allows you to use surges as mortal strikes if the defender has a blight token, while Support Carrion Lancer lets you inflict a blight token on an unengaged enemy within range. Obviously, either of these upgrades could be potent on their own—but perhaps the most dangerous usage is to combine them, spewing bile with one unit and cutting down your foes with a second unit.

From its position embedded in a unit of Reanimates, the Support Carrion Lancer spews bile at Kari Wraithstalker!

The Dead Pull the Living Down

Waiqar has already made his first incursions into the realm of Terrinoth, tearing past the outer defenses and clashing on the battlefields of Terrinoth. Soon, his reinforcements will join him, and every barony may fall into the mists.

Head to your local retailer and pre-order the Reanimates Unit Expansion (RWM12) and the Carrion Lancers Unit Expansion (RWM09) today! 

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