FFG’s 2016 World Championships
Join us November 2nd-6th in Roseville, MN
Update (Tuesday 7/26 6:45 PM CDT): We have instituted a new process to offer the final seats for World Championship events. Please read the updated information on the Join Us For Worlds article. Follow @FFGOP on Twitter for more updates.
Are you an ace pilot that lives off the adrenaline of a dogfight? Are you adept at manipulating those around you to propel yourself onto the Iron Throne? Can you enter the most ICE-heavy servers in the solar system and slip back out without leaving a trace?
No matter your game, the FFG World Championships are your chance to prove yourself against the world’s best! Join us this November 2nd-6th in Roseville, MN, to play your favorite games at the highest level of competition and compete for the greatest prize in gaming.
What Games Will Have a World Championship?
Of course, this five-day event is highlighted by one World Championship tournament for each of our Organized Play-supported games.
The FFG World Championships are more than competition, however. They’re the pinnacle of all for which Organized Play stands—the chance to enjoy your favorite games within an extended community of enthusiastic gamers, including players and National Champions from around the globe.
Altogether, the FFG World Championships are an extended, five-day, international celebration of FFG’s Organized Play games and the players that make them great!
What Is the Event Schedule?
Download the 2016 World Championship schedule and 2016 Side Events schedule now!
Player Resources
Each day of the World Championships is packed full of electrifying World Championship tournaments and compelling side events, many of which feature variant formats such as draft, team play, and more. These side events are free* on a first-come, first-served basis for any World Championship attendees and are fully supported with additional prize support. No matter what games you play, you’re sure to find an event that will pair you against new friends from around the world!
* Participants in draft tournaments will need to provide their own product, available for purchase from the Games Center on-site.
What Are this Year’s Prizes?
Each 2016 World Championships participant will receive an exclusive World Championship swag bag that features a 2016 World Championship t-shirt, a voucher for a set of World Championship alternate art cards, and their event badge at the registration desk when they first arrive. Each player’s voucher can be redeemed for a set of alternate art cards that includes one card for each World Championship!
- Each attendee’s swag bag includes a voucher redeemable for one alternate art card for each of our World Championship games. After the lunch break of each World Championship, players will receive two additional copies of the alternate art card for that game, a game-specific item, and can redeem their voucher for a set of cards if that World Championship is the first World Championship they registered for at the event.
- Each participant in the World Championships of our card games will receive a beautifully made deck box featuring a soft, durable vinyl exterior and magnetic clasp able to hold all the decks, tokens, and additional items a player might need for a single tournament! Each game’s deck box will feature a unique color combination, making it stand out on your gaming shelf.
- Each participant in the World Championships of our miniature games will receive a beautifully finished card binder featuring a durable vinyl finish and the ability to hold more than 200 Mini American-size cards! Each game’s card binder will feature a unique color combination, making it stand out on your gaming shelf.
- The winner of each World Championship tournament will win the greatest prize in gaming—a chance to work with the developers of that game to design a card that will be released in a future expansion!
- Additionally, we will award exclusive prizes for players that qualify for the second day (or the top one-third of competitors if the second day is only elimination rounds) of a World Championship, as well as the top 16, top 8, and top 4 players at the end of each tournament.
These prizes will be further bolstered with giveaways, side event prizes, and lots of additional loot. Keep your eyes on our website as the 2016 World Championship draws closer to learn more about all of the fantastic prizes you could win.
Can Anyone Participate?
The 2016 FFG World Championships are open to players of all levels, but the event’s meteoric growth has necessitated that we cap attendance.
All attendees must pre-register. There will be no on-site registration.
While we would love to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend, it’s a necessary and important measure to take to ensure that the World Championships are the best possible event that we can run.
This year, we are reserving seats for all current and former World Champions of our current games, as well as our U.S. and Canadian Regional Champions, North American Champions and Top 4 players, and National Champions.
How Do I Register?
Registration for the 2016 World Championships will be different than 2015’s. In 2016, registration will be split across three separate dates and times. We are splitting registration across multiple times so that players in different areas of the world will have an opportunity to obtain a ticket. At the allotted time for each “wave,” we will put a set number of tickets for each tournament on sale. All tickets for each tournament will be split evenly across the three waves.
The initial wave of registration for the 2016 World Championships goes live at 8:00 AM CDT on July 5th. The second wave of tickets will go on sale at 2:00 PM CDT on July 6th. The third wave of tickets will go on sale at 8:00 PM CDT on July 7th.
Refund requests can be sent to [email protected]. Refunds will not be issued under any circumstance after Tuesday, August 16th, even if you purchase your ticket after that date. Refunds are also not possible beyond 60 days from the date of purchase.
You will register for each World Championship you wish to attend individually. We recommend picking which events you want to compete in ahead of time so that you can register as quickly as possible. The registration process is further detailed in our in-depth article earlier this month.
Note: You do not have to preregister for side events. These free events are available to World Championship attendees on a first-come, first-serve basis.*
* Participants in side event draft tournaments will need to provide their own draft starter set and sealed draft packs.
What If I am Champion of a Tournament and Have a Spot Reserved?
We are reserving a number of seats in each game’s World Championship for various Champions in that game’s tournaments.
- World Champions: Thank you for being a part of the Fantasy Flight Games legacy! We would love for you to return to defend your title or attempt to reclaim it.
- North American Champions and Top 4 players: Congratulations on doing so well at this unique event! Do you have what it takes to win on the biggest stage?
- National Champions: Congratulations on proving to be among the best! We would love for you to compete at our World Championships as a National Champion.
- U.S. and Canadian Regional Champions: Congratulations on winning this prestigious event! Do you have what it takes to compete against the best in the world?
To claim your reservation, fill out this form. We will contact you with instructions on how to purchase your reserved seat. Any other games’ World Championships that a player wishes to compete in must be purchased separately through the normal registration system.
- US and Canadian Regional Champions, US National Champions, and former World Champions must fill out the form by 11:59 PM CDT on Thursday, August 11th.
- All other National and North American Champions must fill out the form by 11:59 PM CDT on Tuesday, October 4th.
Will This Year’s World Championships be Streamed on Twitch?
Each year, we continue to improve our streaming coverage, and 2016 will be no different. The 2016 World Championships will be streamed on our Twitch channel (www.twitch.tv/ffglive) and feature live commentary.
We will post an announcement with the streaming schedule and more information as we get closer to the event.
Join Us in November!
Join us November 2nd-6th in Roseville, Minnesota for a five-day celebration of gaming at the highest levels and the awesome communities that surround each of our games!
Mark your calendars! The first wave of registration begins at 8:00 AM CDT on July 5th.