The Massing at Sullust
Announcing a Star Wars™: Armada Wave II Pre-release Event
"What of the reports of the Rebel fleet massing near Sullust?"
–Darth Vader
Attention, Star Wars™: Armada Fleet Admirals!
This October, The Massing at Sullust is your chance to get your hands on preview copies of the game's second wave of expansions and its first large-base ships, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer and MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser!
From left to right: Imperial Raider, Imperial-class Star Destroyer, Rogue and Villain squadrons, MC80 Star Cruiser, MC30c frigate
What Is The Massing at Sullust?
FFG's The Massing at Sullust is a special preview event, showcasing the second wave of Armada starships and squadrons at exclusive preview tournaments taking place the weekend of October 2nd – 4th.
Only a limited number of kits are available, so retailers should apply today. This exclusive event will provide players their first opportunity to see some of the Star Wars galaxy's most powerful and iconic starships launched into action for the very first time!
How Does It Work?
Each retailer participating in The Massing at Sullust preview event will run an Armada tournament during the weekend of October 2nd – 4th. Players will bring standard 300-point fleets and compete through three Swiss-style rounds, following all the standard rules described in the official Armada Tournament Rules document (pdf, 5.4 MB).
Then after the Swiss rounds, the top two players will confront each other in a final match of epic proportions!
Both players will set aside the fleets that they played throughout the Swiss rounds and will build new, 400-point fleets that utilize the Wave II starships and squadrons. One player will construct an Imperial fleet that includes the Imperial-class Star Destroyer and Raider-class corvette, as well as at least one of the Imperial squadrons from the Rogues and Villains Squadron Pack. The other player will construct a Rebel fleet that includes the MC80 star cruiser and MC30c frigate, as well as one or more of the Rebel squadrons from the Rogues and Villains Squadron Pack. Both players will then be able to complete their 400-point fleets by adding starships, squadrons, upgrades, and objectives drawn from their existing collections, plus those from the Wave II expansions under their command.
Using these newly upgraded fleets, the players will battle for the fate of the galaxy… and the right to take home the Armada Wave II expansion of their choice!
- 1st Place – First choice of one The Massing at Sullust preview expansion
- 2nd Place – Second choice of one The Massing at Sullust preview expansion
- 3rd Place – Third choice of one The Massing at Sullust preview expansion
- 4th Place – Fourth choice of one The Massing at Sullust preview expansion
- Top 16 – One commemorative Imperial II-class Star Destroyer ship card with extended art
NOTE: The Tournament Organizer will receive the fifth, unclaimed The Massing at Sullust preview expansion. Retailers will find the full details on hosting a The Massing at Sullust tournament in the kit's instructional letter.
How Do You Get Involved?
All applications are due by September 8th at 5:00 PM CST, though we strongly encourage interested retailers to apply as soon as possible. Our number of The Massing at Sullust kits are limited.
If you are approved to host a The Massing at Sullust event, we will send instructions for ordering your event kit.
What Can Players Do?
If you're a fan of Star Wars: Armada, be sure to contact your favorite local gaming store about this exciting preview event.
In the meantime, start building your fleets and getting in your practice games. This is your chance to be among the first in the world to claim the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, Raider-class corvette, MC80 star cruiser, MC30c frigate, or the powerful and iconic squadrons from the Rogues and Villains Squadron Pack!
You'll find more information about these Armada starships in upcoming previews, so keep checking our site for updates.
A Note About the Release of Wave II and The Massing at Sullust
When we first announced the upcoming release of Armada Wave II, we anticipated that its expansions would be available to retailers by the third quarter of 2015. However, due to an unavoidable manufacturing delay, we have had to push back the wave's release. We are now on schedule to see Wave II released in the fourth quarter of 2015.
In the meantime, we have been delighted by the tremendous momentum Armada has been gaining with its fans and in Organized Play as its massive battles have begun to reshape the galaxy. We are also aware of the fan community's anticipation of the game's second wave, and we have decided to air freight some of the first ships off the run. We're truly excited by all that Wave II promises to bring to the game, and we want you to share our excitement for these ships and squadrons as soon as possible. These are the starships and squadrons players will have the chance to fly and win at The Massing at Sullust.
Execute Your Battle Plan
Retailers, remember that we have a limited number of The Massing at Sullust kits, and registration for this exclusive preview event closes on September 8th. Submit your application today to host one of these exciting, world premiere events!