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The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion

Arkham Horror: The Card Game The Circle Undone

In the grim and brooding town of Arkham, arcane secrets lie buried with the dead. When sinister forces threaten to unveil these truths, it is up to a brave, foolish few to put a stop to it.

The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game features six investigators and contains all of the player cards and customization options featured in the original The Circle Undone cycle of products. Keep your allies’ minds from breaking as the psychologist, Carolyn Fern. Solve supernatural mysteries as the private investigator, Joe Diamond. Throw money at your problems as the millionaire, preston Fairmont. Prevent terrible rituals as the redeemed cultist, Diana Stanley. Stay ahead of trouble or run headlong into it as the athlete, Rita Young. Or, tap into a mystical bloodline as the entertainer, Marie Lambeau.

The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion can be used to build or enhance investigator decks for any Arkham Horror: The Card Game scenario or campaign.


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