Order Spring 2016 Tournament Kits
Build and Support Your Local Player Community
Retailers, Spring 2016 Tournament Kits are now available for order through your distributor or by contacting your sales rep! International retailers should contact their distributor.
Transform your store into the core of your local game communities with Spring 2016 Tournament Kits. These kits serve as the entryway to FFG’s Organized Play programs. Each kit contains prize support and helpful suggestions on how to best support your local community. With these tools, you can host a tournament, game night, or even a demo session for new players. Consistent Organized Play will help your store draw in players and build a thriving group of regular patrons. The Spring 2016 season will run from April through July.
What Games are Supported?
Whether you’re vying for The Iron Throne in Westeros, coding experimental ice to protect your top-secret servers, or commanding a fleet of Star Destroyers in your quest to quash the Rebellion—Tournament Kits can make your store the local hub of a thriving, global community connected by Fantasy Flight Games Organized Play. Visit the links below to learn more about each game’s Spring 2016 Tournament Kit; then order yours today!
- A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
- Android: Netrunner
- Star Wars™: Armada
- Star Wars™: Imperial Assault
- Star Wars™: The Card Game
- Warhammer 40,000: Conquest
- X-Wing™
Are You a Player?
If you’re a player, you can do your part to grow Organized Play by telling your favorite local game store about our Tournament Kits. If you’re interested in taking a more active role in bringing events to your community, here are some ways you can help promote Fantasy Flight Games Organized Play:
- Encourage your friends to join you and play at your favorite local game store.
- Ask your favorite local game store if you can post a sign-up sheet for upcoming events.
- Tell your store to contact our sales team about our Demo Kits for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, Android: Netrunner, X-Wing™, and Warhammer 40,000: Conquest.
The exclusive items and alternate art cards from these Spring 2016 Tournament Kits will be available for a limited period of time only. Be sure to talk with your local retailer about using these kits to host events and tournaments for our Organized Play games.
Order Now
2016 is going to be an exciting year for FFG Organized Play, and it all starts with Tournament Kits. Don’t miss out on your chance to build a strong and healthy community in your store for the games your players enjoy. Order now to receive your Tournament Kits!