I feared that my prey would escape me, that I should have to look on from a distance while the others were fighting. Suddenly one of the impertinent fellows tried to drop down upon me. I allowed him to come near and then we started a merry quadrille. Sometimes my opponent flew on his back and sometimes he did other tricks. He had a double-seated chaser. I was his master and very soon I recognized that he could not escape me.
- Manfred Von Richthofen, the "Red Baron"*
Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce that the Fourth Wave of
Wings of War
, World War I miniatures are now on sale at your local retailer and on the
FFG webstore
Series IV introduces historically-accurate and beautifully-painted miniatures for the R.A.F. SE5a, the Breguet BR.14 B2, the Pfalz D.III, and the Rumpler C.IV C., later entries into the skies above the trenches of the Great War. These detailed reproductions of World War I-era biplanes add the perfect 3D flavor to your enjoyment of the
Wings of War
card game
. Useable with any
Wings of War
core game -
Famous Aces
Watch Your Back!
, or
Burning Drachens
- these figures will let you recreate famous dogfights from history, or create exciting new confrontations, all on your tabletop.
Wings of War
miniature pack comes with one figure with stand and altitude pegs, as well as a maneuver deck, allowing each player with a miniature to participate in a Wings of War game.
Take to the skies with more
Wings of War
For a closer look at the Series IV miniatures, visit our partner Nexus Games'
Wings of War
image gallery by following
this link
* "The Red Baron Scores Two Victories, 1917," EyeWitness to History, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (2005)
Wings of War is an innovative card game that realistically simulates aerial combat in both World War I and World War II. Add highly detailed miniatures or massive maps to further immerse yourself in the nail-biting action!