Offer of a Peach

See the 2019 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Prime Championship Prizes


“A man should never refuse to taste a peach. He may never get the chance again. Life is short, Stannis. Remember what the Starks say. Winter is coming.”
   –Renly Baratheon, A Clash of Kings

With the recent release of the new FAQ update, and the deluxe Baratheon expansion, Fury of the Storm, it has never been a better time to sharpen your skills in preparation for the upcoming A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Prime Championships. These high-level events, previously known as Regional Championships, serve as a true test of your ability to outwit and overcome your rivals in a larger, more competitive environment!

Forming the tier above Store Championships, Prime Championships draw in players from all over the region, and they serve as a central part of the Organized Play path that leads to the World Championships. The Organized Play team is now taking applications from retailers to host Prime Championships, so talk to your favorite local retailer about applying to host one of these events now.

Today, we are showing off all of the exclusive prizes available to Prime Championship participants. Among these prizes, which feature a special emphasis on the diverse factions of Westeros, you'll find a wide variety of playmats, alternate art cards, and unique tokens. For these prizes, there will be no negotiations, no parley. You can only earn them through defeating your opponents in the only game that matters.

Top 8

You will soon discover that faction loyalty will be rewarded like never before at this year’s A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Prime Championship. To start off, players who place in the Top 8 of each individual faction will each receive a promotional character card. Among these characters, you'll find a few new alternate art versions, including Devoted Bloodrider, Bastard Daughter, and Painted Dogs. 

Top 4

Players who fight their way into the overall Top 4 of the Prime Championship will be greatly rewarded. Each of these formidable players will walk away with a playmat featuring the largest of Daenerys' dragons, Drogon, with artwork by Jokubas Uogintas. In addition, these players will also receive a full set of fifteen acrylic Hand of the King power tokens. Separately, the Top 4 players of each faction will receive an extended art promotional card. Among these cards, you'll find alternate art versions of Dorea Sand and Janos Slynt.

Top 2

Both the finalist and the winner of the Prime Championship will each receive a full playset of each character card previewed below! Of these prizes, Jon Snow, Obara Sand, and Dacey Mormont are all featuring alternate artwork. The Top 2 players of each faction will also receive a playset of the character card from their chosen faction. Regardless of your overall placement in the event, as long as you perform well within your faction, you will be handsomely rewarded for your gallant efforts. 

Top of Faction

Those who demonstrate true loyalty and place higher than any other player of their chosen faction will be honored with a gorgeous playmat proudly displaying their faction banners. When the battle begins, will you remain loyal, or will you abandon your familial faction and side with another in pursuit of the ultimate prizeto be crowned champion?


The winner of the Prime Championship will be awarded with a stunning playmat illustrating the parley at Storm’s End, with artwork by Joshua Cairos. They will also receive a Hand of the King metal token, which can be used as a first player token or simply as a small reminder to other players of the decisive victory that was struck. Last but not least, the winner will be granted a reserved seat at the next A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championship.

Rally Your Bannermen

Send your ravens, gather your men, and make your way to where your enemies await. The time for enjoying the simple pleasures of life like the sweetness of a peach has passed. All that remains now is the bitter taste of blood and the dread of defeat. Raise your arms now and fight or die and become forgotten by history!

The time to apply for hosting a Prime Championship for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game is now! Ask your favorite local retailer when they will be hosting their Prime Championship. We will be sharing a list of stores that are hosting these exciting events in the near future. 

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