29 June 2018 | Star Wars: Destiny

Discover the Ways of the Force

Look for a Way of the Force Release Party Near You

"What do you know about the Force?"
     –Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Podracing. Jedi. Cyborgs. The Lothal rebels. The heroes and villains of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. They're all in the Way of the Force Booster Packs for Star Wars™: Destiny, and they're all on their way to your favorite local gaming store.

Scheduled for North American release on July 5 and international release throughout the month of July, Way of the Force adds a fantastic array of new possibilities to your Star Wars: Destiny battles, even as it continues to draw material from across the whole Star Wars saga. You'll find the Clone Wars represented by powerful villians like General Grievous . You'll find the fledgling Rebel Alliance represented by the heroes of Star Wars: Rebels. And you'll find the heroes and villains of Star Wars: The Last Jedi brought to life with powerful, game-changing abilities.

There's much to discover within Way of the Force, and you can be among the first to unleash its potential—by attending a Way of the Force Release Party near you!

Play Games. Get Cards.

Attend a Way of the Force Release Party, and you'll be surrounded by other players as eager as you to try out all of the set's new cards and dice. This means you'll be able to jump right into the set and all that it has to offer. Just pick up your packs, tear them open, tinker with your decks, and sit down for a game.

Of course, the Way of the Force Release Party does more than just offer you a chance to experiment with the set's new podracing mechanics or try building around one of its new plots. The Release Party is also your chance to earn as many as three exclusive, extended art promo cards!

Just for showing up and picking up your packs, you'll earn an extended art version of the new Blue event, Peace and Quiet. This promo card features text in Aurebesh, but it reads just the same as the event you might find your Way of the Force Booster Packs:

"Turn a die to a side showing a value of 0 (blanks and specials have a value of 0)."

At the same time, you'll receive your Mission Brief.

This card features four challenges, each of which is associated with another of the event's promo cards.

  • Gain three shields or deal five indirect damage in a single action, and you'll earn an extended art version of the new Gungan Warrior.
  • Play either two games as Hero or two games as Villain, and you'll earn a full-bleed copy of the powerful new plot card, Blockade, which disrupts your opponent's plans by forcing him or her to lose one resource immediately after setup.

Find Your Way

Make sure you don't run into any blockades on your way to a Way of the Force Release Party. Talk to your favorite local gaming store and make your plans to attend today!

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