Tales from the Winter Court
Official Results from the 2018 Winter Court World Championships
"These words were heavier than even the death of a clan champion—or a brother. This scroll, this particular piece of paper, was likely the most important he would ever write."
–D. G. Laderoute, "Tiger Stalks His Prey"
The 2018 Winter Court World Championships for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game have come and gone. The champion, Erik Baalhuis of the Crane Clan, has been named Shogun. He has momentarily gained the Emperor's ear, and he has been entrusted with deciding which samurai will tackle one of the Crane's most pressing issues—to travel with Doji Kuzunobu and aid his appeal to the Fox Clan for assistance.
Erik was not, however, the only samurai honored with the opportunity to help guide his clan. The top representatives from all seven of Rokugan's Great Clans were given the chance to make two important decisions that impact their clans' futures—as well as the course of Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Organized Play.
- Each of these samurai advised their champion as to which family would address one of their clan's greatest concerns.
- Each of these samurai also selected their clan's new elemental role, which goes into effect immediately through the end of August 2019.
What does this mean for the future of your clan? Read on!
The Wall must not be breached, so after the watchtower at Ishigaki Province fell silent, Crab Clan Champion Hida Kisada recognized that he would need to send samurai to investigate. But each different samurai would take a different approach. Who, then, should he send?
That choice fell to Pablo Pintor Espinosa, who battled all the way to the Top 8 at the Winter Court World Championships. He advised Hida Kisada to send a samurai of the Yasuki family, in order to recruit their neighboring allies to reinforce and defend the watchtower.
Additionally, Pablo selected Keeper of Water as the Crab's new elemental role.
Clan | Effective Through April 2019 | Effective Through August 2019 |
Over the past months, the Crane Clan have been taxed by skirmishes with the Lion, raids by the Mantis, and an elemental imbalance off the coast that threatens their lands. They need assistance, and Doji Kuzunobu has been sent to recruit the Fox Clan’s aid. But which samurai should Doji Hotaru send to accompany her husband?
For guidance, the Crane Clan Champion turned to her new Shogun, whose performance at the Winter Court honored the whole clan. He advised Doji Hotaru to send a samurai from the Kakita family in order to protect Doji Kuzunobu from threats that lurk in the perilous Kitsune forest. Because Erik had just won the title of Shogun, Doji Hotaru pressed him even further, asking him which of the Kakita family he might send. Erik recommended Kakita Kaezin, and that is who will now represent the Crane in this matter!
Additionally, with his World Championship, Erik won the Crane Clan's right to make the first selection of a new elemental role, and he chose Seeker of Fire.
Clan | Effective Through April 2019 | Effective Through August 2019 |
Dragon Clan Champion Togashi Yokuni has foreseen something momentous coming from the sea of turmoil lapping at the walls of Otosan Uchi. To ensure the Dragon are prepared to meet this threat and opportunity and moment of change, he has sent Mirumoto Hitomi and Togashi Mitsu. He also intends to send them with an escort of samurai, but of which family? The answer to this question is an answer, as well, as to how the Dragon will respond to the questions they’ll face at Otosan Uchi.
With his Top 4 finish at the Winter Court World Championships, Davis Kingsley won the Clan Champion's respect and was asked for his advice. Davis advised Togashi Yokuni to send samurai from the Kitsuki family to Otosan Uchi who would investigate the intrigues of the Forbidden City.
Davis also won the right to select the Dragon Clan's next elemental role and chose Seeker of Void.
Clan | Effective Through April 2019 | Effective Through August 2019 |
Because Lion Clan Champion Akodo Toturi also serves the Empire as Emerald Champion, he finds himself in a position to elevate the clan's status by appointing one of its greatest samurai to serve as Commander of the Emerald Legions. That samurai's actions will, in turn, reflect upon the Lion Clan, so Akodo Toturi must give careful consideration to his appointment.
For advice, he turned to Philippe-André Pelletier, who distinguished himself and won honor for the Lion Clan at the Winter Court World Championships with his play in the Day 2 elimination rounds. Philippe-André recommended that Akodo Toturi appoint a samurai of the Kitsu family in order to command with guidance from the recently departed.
Philippe-André also earned the right to select the Lion Clan's next elemental role, and he selected Keeper of Earth.
Clan | Effective Through April 2019 | Effective Through August 2019 |
The recent imbalance in the elements and mounting tensions between clans have weighed heavy upon the Phoenix, who need the guidance of the Elemental Masters. Accordingly, Phoenix Clan Champion Shiba Tsukune has decided to send samurai south to Kuni lands in order to find Isawa Tadaka, the Elemental Master of Earth. But whom should she send?
After the results of the Winter Court World Championships, Shiba Tsukune decided to put her faith in Jose Luis Saenz, who carried the Phoeniz all the way to the Top 8. He advised her to send samurai from the Asako family in order to seek the leadership of the Crab Clan, that they might aid in convincing Tadaka to return to the Phoenix—and to help point to where he can be found.
Additionally, Jose Luis was given the honor of selecting the Phoenix Clan's new elemental role and chose Keeper of Air.
Clan | Effective Through April 2019 | Effective Through August 2019 |
The Scorpion Clan has risen to a place of nearly unprecedented prestige within the Imperial Court, and Clan Champion Bayushi Shoju needs loyal samurai to ensure that the Scorpion stay loyal to the Emperor, rather than growing ambitious and emboldened as a result of their new position of dominance.
But which samurai would best serve Bayushi Shoju in this matter? That was the question the Master of Secrets presented to Johnny Shen after his distinguished finish at the Winter Court World Championships. And, in response, Johnny advised Bayushi Shoju to send samurai from the Yogo family because he (and his advisors) believed the Yogo would be willing to sacrifice everything—and anyone—to fulfill their duty.
Because his Runner-Up place finish also marked him as the top Scorpion Clan player at the event, Johnny earned the right to choose the clan's next elemental role.
Clan | Effective Through April 2019 | Effective Through August 2019 |
The Unicorn Clan’s concerns range far and wide, from the troubled trade along the Sand Road to the appearance of intelligent, snakelike creatures in the Shinomen Mori. To these, Clan Champion Shinjo Altansarnai must add the recent recapture of Hisu Mori Toride, as the city needs a steward to guide its future, even as tensions with the Lion run ever higher.
Impressed by Ben Wootten’s Day 2 heroics at the Winter Court World Championship, Shinjo Altansarnai asked him for his advice. She then took his advice to heart, agreeing to appoint a samurai from the Moto family as steward of Hisu Mori Toride. The hope was that the Moto would rule in the style of their ancestors, bringing foreign traditions to the people of the village.
Because his finish was the highest among the members of the Unicorn Clan, Ben was also honored with the chance to select the clan's next elemental role.
Clan | Effective Through April 2019 | Effective Through August 2019 |
Finding the Path
It is an uncertain time for the Emerald Empire. Tensions between the Great Clans continue to mount. Elemental imbalances speak to unrest within the spiritual realm. And the creatures of the Shadowlands continue to batter the Kaiu Wall, hunting for a weakness they can exploit.
In this time of uncertainty, the leaders of the seven Great Clans need sure guidance as they look to lead their people, venerate the kami, and serve their Emperor. For this reason, the Clan Champions have been pleased to receive the sage advice presented by the honorable samurai who best represented their clans at the 2018 Winter Court World Championships.
It is an honor to serve your clan in this way. Perhaps next year you will attend the Winter Court and help shape your clan's future. Who knows? Perhaps you'll be appointed Shogun and help find the best path forward for all of Rokugan!