The World, A Stage
Read a New Short Story Set in the World of Legend of the Five Rings
With six terrible words, the Kami Bayushi set his followers in the newly founded Scorpion Clan on a dark and dangerous path. Enemies loomed beyond Rokugan’s borders, but they also lurked within them. Bayushi swore to protect the Empire by any means necessary. Where the Code of Bushidō tied the Emperor’s Left and Right Hands—the courtiers of the Crane and the mighty legions of the Lion—the Emperor’s Underhand could still reach.
Yet, in spite of—and perhaps because of—the clan’s fearsome reputation, there is none more loyal than a Scorpion. In a clan of deceivers and manipulators, trust is a hard-earned treasure to be cherished and guarded. Betrayal is punished with swift retribution, the souls of the treacherous forever bound into the horrific limbo of the place known as Traitor’s Grove. Such fierce loyalty is a small consolation, at least, given the dangerous but vital role the Scorpion have played in the Empire from the moment their Kami spoke his fateful words: “I will be your villain, Hantei.”
Lies of the Scorpion
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present "The World, A Stage" by D.G. Laderoute, a new piece of fiction set in the world of Legend of the Five Rings!
"The World, A Stage" focuses on the deceptive Scorpion Clan and can be downloaded here (2.0 mb).
The Kiku Matsuri
Be sure to check the Fantasy Flight Games website every other week for new Legend of the Five Rings fiction! Join us this Thursday, August 17th, at 1 p.m. EST on the Fantasy Flight Games Facebook Page for a special episode of L5RLive. Join Samurai from around the world as we stream the opening ceremonies of the Kiku Matsuri! Be sure to tweet in support of your clan to help them earn the Emperor's Favor!
Be the villain and purchase Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game (L5C01) at Gen Con or from your local retailer in the fourth quarter of 2017!