Plans of Victory
Preview the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game North American Championship Prizes
"Knowledge is a weapon, Jon. Arm yourself well before you ride forth to battle.”
- Maester Aemon, A Dance With Dragons
Fantasy Flight Games is excited to present the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game North American Championship Prizes!
As a vital part of the Championship Series, the 2016 North American Championship will be held at GenCon Indianapolis at 12:00 PM on August 4th. After a cut in the competition, a second day of play will be held August 5th at 1:00 PM in order to crown a champion. With its fantastic prizes and tremendous field of competitors, the A Game of Thrones: The Card Game North American Championship will be quite the proving ground for those who plan on attending the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championship in November.
2016 North American Championship Prizes
Battling to reach the top of a tourney is daunting task, but doing well at the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game North American Championship will reward its knights with exciting prizes which will allow them to show the honors they’ve received!
- First Place: The winner of the North American Championship receives a first-place trophy to show off to their family and friends, and a first-round bye at the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championship. A first-round bye will give you a big advantage over the fierce competition at Worlds.
- Top Four: The top four players each receive a printed acrylic Iron Throne Initiative token, an iconic symbol sure to hit the table every time.
- Top Eight: The top eight players each receive a beautiful playmat depicting a raven that is clutching some Forgotten Plans.
- Top Sixteen: The top sixteen players will be able to show off their wealth with a set of acrylic gold tokens.
- Day 2 Competitors: Players who make it to the second day of competition will receive a brand new, never-before-seen plastic spot-glossed card. This card will be announced and revealed to the world at the beginning of the tournament!
- All Competitors: All players will receive one copy of the alternate art card Forgotten Plans, and one copy of a brand new extended art card which will be debuted at the beginning of the tournament!
In addition, the Top 4 competitors will earn a reserved spot at the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championship this November! (Note: Top 4 competitors must fill out this form by October 4th, 2016 to claim and purchase their reserved seat, and/or notify us of their intention to attend.)
What is the North American Championship?
The North American Championship is a prestigious competitive event open to players from all over the world and are not exclusionary based on nationality or location. This prominent Championship uses the Premier Tournament Tier, reflecting the high-level competitive atmosphere of these events. It follows the National Championships in the Organized Play calendar and connects the large gaming communities that span the globe. For more information, you can read our article on the Championship Series.
Prepare your Battle Plans
Soon, hundreds of competitors will attend 2016 North American Championships in an attempt to win these attractive prizes and earn honor in the royal court. Don’t miss out on your chance to acquire some of these prizes for yourself and add them to your collection!
Note: The alternate art cards in this kit are produced via FFG's In-House Manufacturing and may appear slightly different in color and texture from the game's other cards. To be tournament legal, these cards must be sleeved with opaque or art sleeves.